
ipod touch for 6th graders

Recently it has been brought to my attention that the 6th groade class of a local middle school has been given the oppertunity to has and use 32 gig ipod touches while they are at school. I would hate to be a 7th grader.

They are supposed to use the ipods for educational use, including watching their teachers on a variety of podcast they have created. I personally think that i would hate to listen to my teacher for longer than i have to. But the idea is cool. many of these kids do not have the ability to use the internet at their house, so the ipods use the schools new wi-fi hotspots to check email and look up information. Teachers are encouraging students to look up things they ask in class. There was a student who asked why we had to set our clocks back. The teacher told the student to look it up, so he whipped out his ipod, got on safari, and googled, the history of daylight savings time. Awesome. I love that this technology allows students to be more inquisitive and to answer their own questions. That is what learning is turning into. Students discovering things for themselves. If we can teach kids to do that, with all the information that is available, then students have a truly infinite possibility to learn.


JacquelineDeShea said...

THat is awesome. That is a cool way to show children to be more independent while they learn

Unknown said...

My middle school didn't have enough books for everyone, I doubt they would buy in to the Ipod Touch thing.

olivia. said...

I never thought I would say that I wanted to go back to middle school but I WANT TO GO BACK TO MIDDLE SCHOOL! That is amazing. Can you imagine the information these students can access through using ipods? I know that I have been sitting in a class, wondering about some aspect of the lesson, and was unable to look it up until after class. If we had this technology, who knows where the lesson would end up, but we would learn so much. I agree, wouldn't you hate to be a 7th grader?! :)

Lindsey Dawn said...

Wow that is crazy that schools can even afford to give their students ipods! I can't even afford one!

FutureTeacher2011 said...

I think it is an ok idea, what stops the students from looking up other stuff during class and ignoring the teacher? or playing games online? or chatting with their friends

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I am very jealous! & I would also, hate to be in the sixth grade at that school right now. That just seems so crazy to me, that kids are actually allowed, and encourged to use an ipod during school. Because I know when I was in middle/high school, heaven forbid you have something like that at SCHOOL! It's great that teachers are asking students to look up the answers to their own questions, they will learn much much better this way.

JohnFahn said...

That's awesome. Whatever you want to learn is usually on the internet so it's good that they're teaching kids this at a young age.

Aaron Wellman said...

I have a feeling those kids don't do much studying on those iPods. Maybe that's because I know I wouldn't.

I actually HAD an iPod Touch, but it was stolen ON CAMPUS a few weeks ago. Gotta love this place.

.:Kyra:. said...

Wow thats soo cool that they have a found a way for i pods to be educational.What are they going to think up next?? I dont even have one and those six garders do haha that funny

lauraashley88 said...

That would be really cool. It seems much more convenient than having to go find a computer to look something up quickly.

Ryan McClintic said...

yea that is totally sweet, i wish i was able to have that opportunity in school. it really gives the students tons of information right at their fingertips...literally.

Anonymous said...

Iagree that it is a good idea and it would suck to have to listen to a teacher lecture outside of class

jewelia16 said...

I couldn't live with out my Iphone now so I know I would of loved to have one in middle school too! (except I agree with you on the part where you said you wouldn't want to listen to your teacher more than you had too)

Valkurion said...

I would definitely hate to be the teacher for a bad class that got those. I heard about it before, and still think that. Some of my classes had a computer permanently at the desk as it was, and we slacked as much as possible and even had the internet removed from our pcs a few times cause of it. Though if they learn to use them for learning, it would definitely be a great help.